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The Heart of the Matter

Kevin O’Connell accepted his Oscar with: “39 years ago, my mother, Skippy O’Connell, got me a job in sound. ‘How can I every thank you?’ I asked her. ‘You can go out and work really hard and one day get yourself an Oscar and then thank me in front of the whole world.’ Kevin concluded […]

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On Trial without a Voice

Recently I had to go to tribunal. Rather cleverly, the system is such that you witness a hearing before being sent to a conciliation room to endeavour to sort out your issue. I think the idea is that you’re sufficiently motivated to avoid going through a hearing yourself – not least of all because it […]

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Feeling like a FRAUD?

In my workshops over the past month or so, one of the areas of concern that comes up most frequently, is “What if I’m asked something I don’t know?” The word “fraud” is bandied about with increasing anxiety – what if they realise I don’t know it all, what if I look like a fraud? […]

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