What do you want your audience to think, do or feel after your presentation? If you, as Steven Covey advises, “start with the end in mind,” you’ll have a clearer idea of how to engage your audience. We spend a lot of time working on how to have the “X Factor” in our presentations – […]
Continue readingMonth: September 2017
Setting the Tone
Do your meetings feel like a drag? What we often forget is that work or team meetings, just like a presentation, also have “an introduction.” That’s the moment when you say “OK let’s get started.” What tone are you setting for your meetings? Do you kick off with “Thank you all for coming – this […]
Continue readingYour Word is Your Bond
Are your word choices hampering your decision-making? “Your word is your bond” is something we’ve been hearing a bit about recently – Michelle Obama’s speech …and with an echo! I think this is something that people still feel and still believe, which is why they’re reluctant to commit and are careful not to use “bonding […]
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